MCM - Milk Control Management



MCM has won a ‘GOLD Award’  in the annual software evaluation “BITE 2012”  (Business IT Excellence Awards).


This Information system was designed after a careful study of the needs and the existing way that the Dairy Industries are working, with recognition to their problems and peculiarities, and also the up-to-date functional and informational needs of Administration, and the system users. Thus 

  • It manages, as a whole,the qualitative, quantitative, economic data of dealing producers and products with the industry. 
  • It collects data from various sources and with the appropriate procedures it converts them to information. 
  • It offers the flexibility of the articulate and customizable system. 

The system has been designed and created with modern means. It's structure is Modular, it's architecture Client Server, it's development object oriented, and it is hardware and operating system independent. 

The system is based on absolutely predefined entities to cover all the relative functions, adding in the same time the appropriate procedures for diachronic, complete and correct operation of the process cycle of modern Milk Industry.

      MCM Objectives

  • The radical reduction of the operational cost in a dairy industry. 
  • The improvement of the industry ability to control its suppliers.
  • The utilization of all raw material data from the industry administration.
  • The review of the industry policy, as far as the suppliers’ compensation is concerned.
  • The improvement of the operating capital management.
  • The improvement of the quality of the final products.
  • The reduction of the production cost of the final products.

MCM Subsystems

MCM is a modular software application, and it includes all subsystems necessary for a dairy industry every day operation. These are: 

MCM.DB......Producers Management 

MCM.C........Milk Collection  

          MCM.Mob....Milk Collection using PDAs 

MCM.Q........Quality Control  




MCM.Stat....Business Intelligence

MCM.DB  Producers Management

This module manages all relevant administrative, commercial and financial information regarding any business entity or individual that procures raw milk to a dairy industry. This information includes:

  • Generic data describing the producer’s personal and business identities.
  • Specific data relating to the entity’s role as a raw milk supplier.
  • Financial data necessary for all business transactions between the producer and the industry. 

►MCM.C Milk Collection

This MCM.C module implements all industry processes having to do with the collection of the raw material (milk) from the farmers, including:

  • The detailed administration of all entities involved in the milk collection process (farmers, collection points, cooling tanks, trucks, etc.).
  • The scheduling of the milk collection process (truck routing).
  • The detailed recording of all milk collected by the industry in 5 different levels (farmer, cooling tank, collection point, truck, industry collection station).
  • The financial aspect of the milk collection process (invoices, farmers list, etc.).

MIK3 has also developed an application for portable devices (PDAs), fully integrated with the MCM system, that automates the milk collection process.

►MCM.Q Quality Control

The MCM.Q module covers the industry needs to measure the quality of the milk it purchases from the farmers. Qualitative data can be recorded in every step of the milk collection process. Data can also be automatically extracted from the appliances that perform the tests (MilkoScan, BactoScan), thus reducing the data entry cost.

This data can then be used, if so desired by the industry, to determine the farmers’ compensation. Moreover, all this data is presented to the company management through the MCM reporting module in a meaningful and highly useful manner.

►MCM.F Finance

The MCM.F module covers all financial transactions with the industry’s raw material suppliers.

Its major feature is to suggest to the industry an amount to pay to the farmer, taking into account all quantity and quality of the milk acquired by the company. This feature is highly customizable and can adjust to the industry’s special needs and requirements.

Moreover, MCM.F monitors all other financial transactions between the industry and its suppliers (purchases by the farmer, advance payments, etc.). It also generates all necessary by the Greek legislation invoices.

►MCM.T Traceability

The MCM.T module implements all the processes that allow the industry to monitor the traceability chain between the acquisition of the milk from the farmer and the production of a final product.

This information is presented to the user in a userfriendly, yet highly functional graphical form which supports backward, forward and horizontal traceability.


►MCM.R  Reporting

The MCM.Reporting module covers the industry management needs to view its data in a robust and concise way, thus facilitating greatly its decision making process. It is provided as:

  • Hard copy reports.
  • Business Intelligence using spreadsheet applications.
  • Visual illustration of all data on a Greek map (